The Eagle and The Condor — From Standing Rock with Love (working title)

Paulette Moore
7 min readJan 11, 2018


An Invitation To Collaborate On A Film-Based Project

Contact Paulette at 703–597–7766 or

Click here to support the film with your funds :D.

We are excited to share with you our newly completed trailer for the full length Eagle and Condor movie:

Please feel free to leave notes and ideas right here on the Medium page — it is an excellent collaborative tool.

Standing Rock, September 2017. Darelyn Spruce (Seneca) and Nicky Thompson (Seneca) of the Onödowá’ga:’ Protectors singing group return to Standing Rock for a healing event. Photo by the film’s producer Rebecca Kemble.

Shé:kon Hello Relatives. I’m a Kanien’kehaka (Mohawk) educator and documentary filmmaker of mixed Indigenous and British heritage and an enrolled member of Six Nations of the Grand River Reserve Haudenosaunee territory where I live. As a self-described Story Doula, I help share stories of sustainability, community and abundance through the medium of film.

My latest film, working titled The Eagle and The Condor — From Standing Rock with Love (working title), features the stories of the resilience and resistance of modern Indigenous people in the face of extractive industry. This story is of crucial importance to us all, left standing, as we are, in the rubble of our broken economic, cultural and political systems. The film features pediatrician Dr. Sara Juanita Jumping Eagle (Dakota/Lakota, Standing Rock), canupa (pipe) carrier Grandmother Theresa Black Owl (Singugu/Rosebud), economist, author and pipeline activist Winona LaDuke (Ojibwe), journalist Jenni Monet (Laguna Pueblo), The Intercept reporter Will Parrish, Wisconsin alderperson Rebecca Kemble and others.

Dr. Sara Juanita Jumping Eagle (Dakota/Lakota, Standing Rock)
Canupa (Pipe) Carrier Grandmother Theresa Black Owl (Singugu/Rosebud)
Economist, Author and Pipeline Activist Winona LaDuke (Ojibwe)
Journalist Jenni Monet (Laguna Pueblo)
Wisconsin Alderperson Rebecca Kemble

The larger context of the film is the historic unification of Indigenous nations at Standing Rock protection actions in 2016/17 — when the Lakota people reignited their Seven-Council-Fire and where Central and South American nations, represented by the condor, joined forces with their North American brothers and sisters, symbolized by the eagle.

These are stories that must be told, but we need your help.

It takes many loving hands to birth a film. So, in the spirit of alliance forged at Standing Rock, I am writing to ask if you will collaborate with Free Speech TV and many others to work with us on The Eagle and The Condor — Indigenous Prophecy Heals the Modern World. The film will be broadcast and streamed on Free Speech TV on Monday, October 8th — Indigenous Peoples Day 2018 and explores how and why the prophecy and ceremony that emerged at Standing Rock protection actions provide a powerful map for how all modern people, Indigenous and non-Indigenous may meet the considerable challenges we face today.

Do You Want to Collaborate on This Project?

Here are a few ideas:

  • Create a local event for the FSTV broadcast premiere of the film on Monday, October 8th Indigenous People’s Day 2018. Gather a group of people — whatever your capacity — to watch the film in while connected via Facebook and Zoom with others watching around the globe. We love gatherings of every size — you and a friend are a gathering. We would be thrilled if your group participated with us — on or off camera — with feedback and questions. If you cannot be part of the premiere we could also schedule a day where you screen the film for your group where we participate remotely via Skype or social media.
Ashland, WI, 2016. Northland College premiere of From Wisconsin with Love documentary. Photo by Julie Buckles.
  • Create a companion project. · Powerful synergy happens when a local group creates their own project that engages the themes of the film in advance of or after the premiere. Taking the project local helps community members create their own meaning. Suggestions include local companion films, community art projects and exhibits, student keynote presentations and research papers.
St. Joseph, MN 2016. Residents embroidered panels from local printer for a companion art show to our From Wisconsin with Love documentary. The local art show opened the day the documentary premiered in the St. Joseph community.
  • Help us market the film through social media, flyers, emails, and face-to-face meetings. Can you help us design flyers or marketing campaigns? And will you connect us to other groups who might be interested in participating?
  • Contribute funds to assist with the creation of the film. Free Speech TV, Northland College, Native American Educational Technologies and a group of generous individuals contributed $6,000 in seed money toward pre-production and travel on this film. We are in need of another $15,000 to cover editing, music rights acquisition, color and audio correction and development of companion materials. We recommend a donation of $100 or more — but anyone who contributes any amount of funding will receive a credit in the film. Click here to contribute.
  • Assist in developing ancillary materials and inclusion of the film in your existing programming. We are interested in creating a study guide for the film that outlines themes, raises questions and suggests resources for further reading for individuals and communities who watch the film. We are also interested in developing an array educational materials that fits existing community, institutional curriculum or program or help create new programming. Do you have a research or social justice class project to which you can link a screening of the film? Can the film coincide with a study you have been working on or outreach you’ve been considering?
  • Contribute technical skills to assist with the completion of the film. Can you help with in-kind audio design, color correction, graphics and other post production needs? Do you know any production companies that may be aligned with our focus and values that might be able to help us?
Standing Rock, September 2017. Helga and Jose Garza (Azteca) are traditional dancers who describe the Eagle and Condor prophecy.
Will Parrish, reporter for The Intercept broke the story of how private mercenaries, hired by Energy Transfer Partners, shaped a violent policing response and narrative at Standing Rock protection actions.
  • Help us with our title! This film looks at beauty and violence, mystery and oppression. Many characters talk about becoming the people our ancestors would be proud of. Producer Rebecca Kemble says “What we’re exploring are the labor pains of a new cosmic civilization. It is about emergence and renewal.” Can you help us synthesize these themes into an intriguing film title? Here are some options: Indigenous Ceremony Stirs the Modern World, Indigenous Ceremony Transforms the Modern World.
  • Let us know your own ideas for collaboration. You know your community — let us know anyother ways a collaboration on this project could go.

You’ll participate in a widely disseminated project with a long life. We’ve created numerous films, livestreams and short videos from our work exploring Indigenous worldview in our modern age and Paulette’s media from Standing Rock has received hundreds of thousands of shares on social media and was featured on the Yes! Magazine site, Indian Country TV, Indian Country Today, Free Speech TV broadcast and online sites — among others.

Perhaps even more important, by bringing this story to life, together, we embody the principles of unity, alliance and mutual support that are at the heart of the indigenous wisdom that points the way forward for us all.

About Us

Eagle and Condor Film Producer Rebecca Kemble, alderperson for Madison Wisconsin District 18, is a founding member, writer and editor for the Wisconsin Citizens Media Cooperative and is a contributor to The Progressive magazine. She is a recent President of the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives and the President of CICOPA North. America, Vice-President of CICOPA Americas and serves on the Executive Committee of CICOPA worldwide. Rebecca is a worker-owner of Union Cab Cooperative where she has worked since 2000 as a night shift taxi driver as well as a mediator. Rebecca is featured in the film and also created our incredible ribbon skirts with buffalo appliques by Michif (Métis) artist Christi Belcort.

Standing Rock, September 2017. Director Paulette Moore and Producer Rebecca Kemble.

Director Paulette Moore’s background is in mainstream, non-fiction television including Discovery Channel, National Geographic, PBS and others and she has spent the past 15 years focused on what it means to decolonize and Indigenize media. Click here for the 30 minute documentary titled The Spirit of Standing rock created in collaboration with Free Speech TV and Yes! Magazine founder Sarah van Gelder. And click here for a short music-style video of last year’s tribal canoe paddle from Bismarck, ND to Standing Rock camps in support of water protection actions.

Thank you for considering a collaboration with us. Any way at all that you are able to add energy to this program is profoundly appreciated.

Contact Paulette at 703–597–7766 or



Paulette Moore

Kahsto’serakwathe Paulette Moore is an independent filmmaker, artist, educator. Moore is enrolled Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk) and a Mohawk language student/speaker.